the entire Versus series is worth every penny. you get out what you put into it. immerse yourself in it entirely to reap its many benefits. but even just as a story or game, this series is still at the top.
Multiple genders but not Multiple romances W.T.F
Finished it in just a few hours. That's how immersed this game made me feel. I am ready for the next book of Versus. Please release soon!!
Great sequel to follow up a riveting opening CYOA game. Had to play back through recently since the third in the series finally dropped.
When can we expect a 3rd book waiting so long kinda starting to lose excitement for it
Not a big fan of having political opinions shoved in my face but the rest is decent.
It was a interesting continuation in the series I enjoyed it but felt it was too short overall. Hopefully the next entry will feel similar to the first which was much more enjoyable then the second was.
I hate when these writers make a series. Then refuse to complete it. Make me feel like I'm ripped off. I've stopped buying any books from choice games because of a few of these incomplete series.
I loved this game, just like the last one, and i can't wait for the next one.
A continuation of the Versus saga. One thing to point out is that this book is far more political than the first. I am not a huge fan of these kinds of choice games with political intrigue but it is well written. The author had to pursue the political side of things because of the plot from the first book but I suspect the next book will be more action oriented with plot twists and unexpected Revelations. Worth buying as part of the upcoming trilogy.